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Why is adaptability an important soft skill in the workplace?
January 13, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Scrabble tiles with the words 'Adapt or Fail'

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

This famous quote by Charles Darwin holds true even in the workplace. Amid rapidly changing settings and economic conditions, adaptability has quickly become one of the most important soft skills sought by organizations.

When changes occur, you have two courses of action. One, you can resist change and stay adamant until it becomes inevitable. Or two, you can accept the change and recognize it as an opportunity to discover new opportunities. The second option is obviously the wiser choice. Being adaptable is the only way to keep up with the times. That’s why adaptability soft skills are so essential in the workplace.

Here are some core benefits of adaptability for you and your team.

Accepting change positively and proactively

Adaptability begins with acceptance to change. Feeling afraid or anxious about change is a normal human response. For example, your company underwent restructuring. You reassigned some staff to a new department with new colleagues and a new manager. It’s natural for them to feel anxious or nervous. What matters the most is what they do right after. More so, positive acceptance is the key to making life easier.

Accepting change proactively can help them adjust faster and blend better. Instead of reacting poorly, adaptability helps them find ways to acclimatize to their new environment and job functions. This helps maintain productivity across the board.

Preparing others for leadership

The more adaptable an employee, the more leadership qualities they possess. Adaptable employees tend to have stronger focus and motivation, as well as a more open-minded outlook. This allows them to better rise to challenges when they eventually take on leadership roles.

Adaptability soft skills are also somewhat infectious. When others see someone wholeheartedly embracing change, it will inspire them to do the same.

Happier workforce

For some, changes in workplace processes and procedures can lead to huge levels of stress. However, since change is inevitable, adaptable employees are better placed to anticipate these changes and make them work in their favor. This results in them being happier and more at ease. A happier workforce means higher motivation levels and improved productivity.

Learn new things along the way

One of the greatest rewards of being adaptable is learning new things. As people go through change, they make themselves open to new opportunities. They also acquire new knowledge and information that they wouldn’t have obtained had the change not happened. However, the caveat here is that they must be willing to learn.

Securing long-term relevance

Adaptability is also a proven way to maintain your relevance in a competitive marketplace. When the COVID pandemic wreaked havoc across the globe, the only businesses that survived were those that adapted and turned to digital tools. Those that refused saw their businesses folding up.

“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.”

– Chinese proverb

Keep your workforce adaptable with SGA’s talent mapping expertise

The ability to quickly adapt to changing situations puts you in a highly advantageous position. Imagine if your new hires and team members possessed such a critical soft skill. You’ll be able to respond to changes quicker and carry everyone along.

How’s your company’s preparedness to change? SGA Talent can help you find the answer and develop plans for when changes inevitably occur. Our team of talent mapping experts can guide you through the process of understanding your organization’s talent pool, capabilities, and ability to adapt to change. Let’s take the guesswork out of the equation. Contact us at (518) 843-4611 or send us a message through our contact form to get started.