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Recruitment Research & Recruiting On-Demand Explained
August 19, 2020 at 4:00 AM

From The Desk of Sheila Greco, Chief Executive Officer SGA Talent

Did you know……..

Recruitment research is not just surfing the internet for profiles, nor is it looking into databases, or searching LinkedIn for matching titles and key words.

Recruitment research is, a methodical approach to uncovering specific talent to include passive candidates from targeted companies with the addition of actionable data as well as other intelligence beyond just a name or profile.

Recruiting On-Demand is not executive search or recruitment process outsourcing.

Recruiting On-Demand is a flexible recruiting alternative which produces strong qualified candidate pipelines and full life cycle recruiting support with a cost structure that can be hourly, weekly, or monthly.

Recruitment Research further explained.

Recruitment Research has many names, some of which include; Talent Mapping, Organization Chart Development, Sourcing, Name Generation, Candidate Identification and Talent Intelligence which shows Diversity or is used for Succession Planning.

Recruitment research is invaluable information offering many benefits, beyond just a name and title. For instance, it shows reporting structure of a potential recruit in turn providing intelligence such as peers, direct reports and who the individual reports to. This perspicacious information is available to help prepare the recruiter for the call prior to the conversation and in some cases eliminate the need to make a call depending upon a profile or sensitivity of the search.

Often times recruitment research is used for recruiting but it is also found to be valuable to those in Talent Management, Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion and to Senior Management leaders looking for intelligence. When the data is used outside of recruiting, projects are often very customized with very targeted objectives requiring accurate intelligence to meet the goals set forth by the team.

Depending upon the client, the deliverable for recruitment research can be in excel and/or organization chart format with live links to profiles or actual biographies when requested. Included in recruitment research is typically company name, professional’s name, exact title, address, email information, telephone numbers and profiles. It can also include peer-to-peer comparisons too.

Below are a few examples of recruitment research

Examples 1 & 2

Organization Chart showing reporting structure and diversity.

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Recruitment Research Example 3

Profile often used when recruiting, candidate profiling, succession planning and talent intelligence.

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Recruitment Research Example 4

Excel Spreadsheet Deliverable

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Recruitment Research Examples 5 & 6

Below are examples of a succession planning project showing peer-to-peer comparisons based upon data gathered to includorganization chart mapping and profiling.

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Recruiting On-Demand further explained…..

Recruiting On-Demand is a scalable recruiting solution that delivers qualified candidates for a specific time period without the expense of retaining traditional executive search or paying a contingency fee. The cost can be hourly, weekly, monthly and without a success fee. The client simply chooses the terms and timeframe for the project as well as the number of roles each recruiter will be responsible for. The outsourced partner will then become an extension of the client’s internal team.

With all Recruiting On-Demand assignments, the recruiting process is similar to an executive search methodology, whereby delivering  a strong pipeline of qualified candidates, ready to be hired. In addition to qualified candidates, the client will also receive all of the recruitment research gathered during the recruiting process to include data analytics.

Below is an example of a four month recruiting project that yielded 9 hires, 5 of whom were diverse with the average cost per hire less than 10% of each professional’s starting salary, not the total compensation package.

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I sure hope you found this information to be informative. It will be followed up soon with a Podcast and webinar so stay tuned.

If you want to learn more about these services,  I would love to connect.


Sheila Greco
(518) 843-4611 ext. 221