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How Research First Data/Data-Driven Recruiting Makes for Smarter Hiring Decisions
January 11, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Recruiter shaking hands with candidate

Finding the ideal candidate for the job is a delicate dance. Good recruitment agencies are experts in understanding what potential employers are looking for in their ideal candidate and scouring the available talent pool to match them with that perfect fit. What sets these agencies apart is their commitment to research first data or data-driven recruiting.

In today's competitive business landscape, organizations must use reliable data to point them in the right direction and avoid wasting time and money trying different recruiting strategies. That’s why at SGA Talent, we provide research-first data or data-driven recruiting solutions when it comes to filling key roles within your organization. With data at our fingertips, you can leverage advanced analytics to make smarter hiring decisions that align with your industry needs.

In this post, we'll discuss five ways in which well-researched data drives smarter hiring decisions and boost organizational performance.

1. Increased Understanding of the Available Talent Pool

Investing time in researching the available talent pool before making any hiring decisions pays off in several ways. For one, it helps provide a greater understanding of what today’s talents expect from potential employers, which in turn, helps streamline the interviewing process and optimizes outcomes.

Data research can also provide critical insight into the types of candidates hiring managers should be looking for. Doing so ensures that your decision is rooted in an insightfully enhanced perspective of all options when it comes time to hire people.

Lastly, since data-driven recruiting provides real-time data on the market, our recruiters can keep up with the latest trends and adapt quickly.

2. Improved Recruiting Efficiency and Speed to Hire

Data-driven recruiting eliminates guesswork from the hiring equation. By having data on potential candidates in hand, our team can make more informed decisions tailored to each role quickly and efficiently.

This enhanced preparation allows employers to identify which candidates best meet their criteria, develop concise recruitment objectives before inviting interviews, and choose the ideal candidate more quickly. Using this strategy also minimizes deviation from the original hiring goal, eliminating potential distraction due to longer timelines with fractured objectives or ideological shifts by disparate participants.

3. Set Realistic Job Requirements and Expectations

Hiring data allows our team to assess whether the proposed job expectations are achievable accurately. Data on the expected salary range for a particular role, its geographical availability, and any other associated costs allow recruiters to quickly determine if the specifications provided by a hiring manager are realistic or need adjustment.

Proper research also enables teams to provide honest feedback and set reasonable expectations for the job before anyone enters the recruitment process. This data-driven approach allows recruiters to identify potential pitfalls before they arise and offer suggestions on how to avoid them altogether.

4. Positions Recruiter as an Expert

With data-driven recruiting, our team can position itself as a leader in helping employers make decisions. Data-driven recruiters can provide data-backed advice that helps employers better understand their current and future recruitment needs relative to their available talent pool.

Having data on hand also demonstrates credibility and industry knowledge, as well as gives employers more confidence moving forward.

5. Mitigates Hiring Bias and Makes More Objective Hiring Decisions

Data-driven recruitment helps organizations address potential issues of personal preference or unconscious bias in the hiring process. It mitigates hiring discrimination and offers a more objective way of sifting through potential candidates.

By relying solely on impartial data and eliminating any subjective variables, decision-makers can confidently make the data-backed decision in the best interest of their business. Ultimately, taking the time to perform research can result in a higher quality of hires.

Let SGA Talent help you make smarter hiring decisions with data-driven recruiting

At SGA Talent, we understand that data is the key to more competent and informed hiring decisions. That’s why data-driven recruiting is at the core of our work. By utilizing data to inform our decisions and shape our recruitment strategies, we can provide a higher level of service for our clients and help them find the best talent for their organizations as needed.

Contact us today at (518) 843-4611 or through our contact form to learn more about data-driven recruiting and how it can help your organization find the right people for each role. We're here to provide data-backed solutions that make hiring more manageable and efficient.